Ship owners needs reliable vessels that are efficient to operate, year after year, in all seasons and weather conditions. Most importantly, the ship must have a reliable propulsion system with propellers and power systems that never fail. One that enables them to operate safely anywhere on the planet. As a vendor of conventional PWM propulsion systems for many years, we asked the question: “Can a new way of thinking also give us a new generation of naval propulsion systems that are prepared for tomorrow’s environmental challenges” ?
STADT has taken these challenges seriously, when developing the STADT LEAN DRIVE, based on a completely different architecture a truly revolutionary design. A lean propulsion system that is amazingly reliable, and also reduces service costs, weight, fuel, emission and waste, while freeing up space for cargo or passengers.
A sophisticated and silent system with STEALTH performance, extremely long lifetime, and excellent manoeuvrability. The new drive technology has been awarded several times for its unique characteristics, and many ships are now sailing with the Lean Drive technology all over the world.
- No electromagnetic interference, EMI, due to sine wave operation
- No acoustic switching noises
- No harmonic voltage distortion, THD, on the ship
- No transformers for the propulsion are needed
- No electric losses in the drives at normal operation
- High redundancy in all levels of the drive systems
- Major reduction of space and weight for the drives
- Minimal need for cooling of drives and its systems
- No need for screened power cables and cable segregation
- Rugged and very well proven technologies
- MTBF and lifetime improved dramatically compared to competitors
- Simplified technology , 80 % reduction in number of components